My First Week as a College Student

As I look at the list of possible classes I began to analyze my possible choices. History, that is a no I hate lectures. English, a nice possibility I like to write. Native American Studies, sounds very interesting and different. Then I found my perfect match Speech 2410. I automatically disregarded the number and begin to think about the class. It seems easy, to me speech meant talking and who can't talk right. What I was yet to discover would not be as easy as talking.

College 101,a class with my fellow summer scholars, was over and it was time to be a real college classroom. What my teachers had been trying to transmit to me about how different college is since freshmen year was a few steps away. I slowly walked into the classroom analyzing the territory in new jungle waiting to encounter my predator, my professor. Yea, it was nothing like a jungle. There was nothing scary or exhilarating about my professor or my class. At first the atmosphere was bit hostile, the walls were extremely white and boring and I saw people that could be my parents. Nothing was how I had imagined to a certain point being in my seat was intimidating. The blank walls slowly pulled me in and drifted me into my own little world. Avoiding the walls I focus on the professor and the class syllabus. As class concluded I was notified that I had what seemed to me an eternity of homework with a quiz to go with it the next day. Analyzing my class syllabus, my professors introduction of the class, and the amount of homework reality hit me. This was not going to be how I planned, the idea of work and class were about to change.

Everything new I have encountered in my experience so far have made an impacted and helped me gain a more realistic vision of what a college class is going to be like. My professor is not going to be like my teacher, a babysitter waiting to see if I need help with my work or checking if I need make-up work for the days I missed. My grade is really going to depend on me and my responsibility to get things done. The classmates I met not only gave me a age difference but also a vast variety of experienced perspectives. In my first week as a college student I have developed a new more open, independent, and experienced perspective not only about college but also various aspects of life.

By the way, my teachers were right. Now I know that my teachers are right and that they are not just trying to scare me or make me nervous.


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